Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Truth about Bush and politics

Far be it from me to criticize someone for changing their mind, but Bush is guilty of exactly the kind of flip-flopping he tries to pin on JFK. Karl Rove has a theory that the way to take out an opposing candidate is attack their strengths. I agree. Kerry should be going after these exact issues, Bush is a flip-flopper and bad for the war on terror.

This article lays it all out...

Saturday, September 04, 2004

When will the party leaders learn?

I have been saying since 2002 that we need to be more bold as a party. Say what you want about swing voters, but we need to stand for something. At this very moment, I still cannot tell you what John Kerry wants to do as president. It is not enough to have a disasterous Bush presidency. People have to have a viable alternative. We have to be more aggressive. What have we got to lose?

The Bush administration has done so many things wrong over the past four years, made so many mistakes, but they are not front and center. We should have been hammering from the end of the primaries until now about all of the negatives associated with Bush and at the same time putting together a bold agenda for the next four years. It is sad when Pat Buchanan and Brent Scocroft are more anti-war than John Kerry. It is not about being a dove, it is about protecting this country from real threats.

John Kerry can still win this race, but not with his current game plan. Wake up! Take a stand. Believe in something. Have a vision. Inspire us...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Zell, poor Zell

I used to look up to Zell Miller. As governor of Georgia, he did a wonderful job. His 1992 keynote address was inspiring. It is sad that he has fallen so far. He has contradicted himself so many times that he is a parody of himself. He is sad, sad old man who has not gotten enough attention lately.

I feel badly for his poor wife Shirely.


Check out his previous statement....