Thursday, June 17, 2004

Jobs moving over seas, press misses the boat

This article talks about the trend of moving jobs overseas. I wrote about this story once before. After rereading it, I thought it deserved a second look.

My problem with the article is that it is very narrowly focused. Ok, a small percentage of jobs are being moved overseas. Even a small percentage is bad and it is likely that the trend will continue to grow. In my own experience with outsourcing, the company I worked for did not move any jobs overseas, but all new jobs were created in India. It was nearly impossible to create a new position in the US. Everything had to be routed through the India possibility. Outsourcing by itself is not the end of the world. However, when you add outsourcing to no guarantee of health care and a growing gap between rich and poor, you have a real problem. The middle class is shrinking and we do not have policies to slow that decline. In fact, I would say current tax policies accelerate the process.

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