Monday, June 07, 2004

Military realignment or covering Iraq screw up

This story from Reuters discusses the current changes taking place in the US military. I find it a little troubling that we are moving forces out of Korea. North Korea is one of the greatest threats to the US. I am concerned that the Bush administration is in serious damage control mode and is doing whatever to cover Iraq.

I am not sure this is in our interest. Furthermore, will technology and mobile forces meet our needs going forward? This seems to be the Rumsfeld doctrine for military realignment. This is the same strategy used to a lesser degree in Iraq and part of the reason we have insufficient ground forces in Iraq.

Is this realignment a good idea?

There is also another significant force (no pun intended) at play here. I personally do not trust the intentions of this administration. I do not think I am alone in this feeling. I question the intentions of nearly every action this administration takes. This is really a first for me. I disagreed with Bush I policy frequently, but I truly believed he had the nations best interest at heart. I am not so sure with Bush II.

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