Sunday, August 29, 2004

The Story Not Being Told

The Swift boat veterans are probably not directly coordinting with the Bush people, but they would definetly stop if asked by the Bush people. I think there is a difference between the liberal 527's and the swift boat vets. The liberal 527's are in the process of rebuilding the liberal cause in the US. They are related, but essentially independent much like the Club for Growth. CfG is definetly a Republican arm, but they are not under direct control as evidenced by their opposing the white house in several races this year.

The biggest missed point for me is that most the Republican leadership either never served in the military (Cheney, Delay, Frist) or barely served (Bush). While many of the Democrats most brutally attacked served above and beyond the call of duty (Kerry, Cleland, Dascle). Why is there not an ad to that affect. I can imagine the script now.

"Groups related the President Bush and the Republican's are attacking John Kerry's service"
"The same type of attacks were used against John McCain and Max Cleland, both served honorably"
"Let's look at the facts"
(Names and pictures flash on the screen)
John Kerry -- Volunteered US Navy 5 medals
Tom Dascle -- 1st Lt., U.S. Air Force
Al Gore -- Volunteered US Army
Max Cleland -- U.S. Army 3 medals
Even Ted Kennedy -- US Army

President Bush -- Served in National Guard
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert -- Avoided the draft
House Majority Leader Tom Delay -- Avoided the draft
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt -- Never served
Majority Leader Bill Frist -- Never served
Majority Whip Mitch McConnell -- Never served
Dick Cheney -- Avoided the draft

"Some things should remain sacred. Respect those that served... Especially when you did not."

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