Monday, February 12, 2007

Andrew Thomas wants blood on his hands: Thomas Watch

Here and here are more of the ongoing saga of Thomas trying to rush death penalty cases in Maricopa county. The more I see of Thomas' non-sense the more I feel that prosecutors should not be elected (see the Duke rape case). It just seems to invite prosecutorial misconduct (Duke) or political posturing (Thomas).

At a certain point, government should be well managed and less political. Thomas has got to go before he gets someone innocent killed or costs the county a lot of money or both. I know it is hard for families to go through a 19 year ordeal waiting for some to be put to death. Maybe things would be better for everyone involved if we did away with the death penalty. I have been a reluctant supporter of the death penalty, but there just seems to be too many problems with the system to make it viable. It is not like life in prison is a picnic...

You have public officials like Thomas who don't take their duty seriously. Thomas does more damage to the system he wants to speed up than he helps it...

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