Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our dumb legislature is at it again...

This article in the Republic outlines the legislative power grab being perpetrated against the referendum system in Arizona. I cannot help but think that all of these proposals are non-starters because the referendum system is in the AZ Constitution.

Of course the system has its advantages and disadvantages, but it serves everyone equally well. When the Democrats inevitably take over the legislature, the Republicans will have the same process in place now. Also, conservative and Republicans regularly use the process to their advantage. Then there is the issue of Independent voters which make up about one third of the voters in AZ, the initiative process gives them a voice as well.

The simple fact is conservatives in the Legislature have not realized that Arizona is not that conservative. I think Arizonans are pragmatic more than anything. The legislature is not representing the people very well and they are instead voting for policies they wish the legislature would put forward.

I think the Legislature is misreading what people want and misreading the level of trust people have in them. Note to legislature, We the people of Arizona think you do a crappy job, so we are forced to pass our own laws. Furthermore, you won't get a pay raise until you do something right. Tax cuts and anti-immigrant laws not the only concern we have as a people.

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