Tuesday, March 06, 2007

HOA: What do you think?

HOAs have always troubled me. I don't like the idea of an organization that is easy influenced and unaccountable being able to seize property. While I think they serve a purpose, I also think there should be something akin to a bill of rights for homeowners. There is this article about reigning in just one of their powers.

The issue is whether an HOA should be able to regulate parking on publicly funded streets. I think this is a no-brainer. No. If my tax dollars help pay for your street, then I should be able to park on them according to tax payer agreed rules (ie the rules of the city or county). The leg does something right, go figure...

1 comment:

AsH said...

I agree i dont like the idea of a company being able to sieze your house, its like sum mobsters turning up at your font door with guns saying their taking over your house!
nice blog-have a look at mine sometime,