Thursday, May 17, 2007

I love the Arizona nuts

Arizona has a special brand of nut cases that I find amusing, entertaining and quaint. How did Arizona obtain this largess of truly unique and wacky people. Here is a letter from the Republic that is prime example. I never thought I would see someone argue for protecting payday loans on the basis of protecting liberty. I wonder if this guy knows that their behavior would have been illegal until recently. Interest rates and fees were tightly regulated until recently... I also love the absolute blind faith in the market. Cognitive dissonance at its best...

I love Arizona...


Daniel R. Patterson, Editor said...

Yes, we have some, but so does everywhere else in the US.

RDB said...

True, but and I mean this sincerely, they are really different in Arizona. I don't think they are crazier or worse just different. I kind of admire the absolute adherence to their political theories about the market and their smatterings of libertarianism.

I think they add to the overall fabric of the state. They make life more interesting...