Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Update: Arizona apparently not California's bitch

Here is an update from the Arizona Republic about Arizona shipping power to California. Apparently, I am not the only person who thinks this is a bad idea. Most of the the AZ Corporation Commission appears to be against it. Chris Mays had the money quote:

Commissioner Kris Mayes said in her filing that the project would benefit California utility customers at the expense of their Arizona counterparts while harming the environment, particularly the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, while possibly hampering Arizona's ability to meet its own energy needs.

"California wants to drop a giant extension cord in Arizona and draw out our power," Mayes said. "Arizona's energy future is at issue in this case."

It was pointed out to me yesterday by a reader that it was the utility, not AZ Corporation Commission that wants the change. Thanks for the correction...

It is not dead yet, but here are some pre-kudos for the Corporation Commission. Make us proud, tell California to produce its own power...

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