Monday, June 25, 2007

Trying to Save our 'Flagging' Educational System

This article in the Arizona Republic addresses the law passed by the legislature requiring all classrooms 7th grade and up to display the American flag, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So what is wrong with that you ask? Nothing really... The irony is that it was passed as an unfunded mandate. Arizona spends less per pupil than every state except Utah and now we have to spend money buying flags and documents for every classroom.

If this is so important, the state should pay for it. One other problem I have is rather than just displaying them, why not require civics classes every year through college graduation? I think it is that important...

Imagine a world where nearly every kid in high school could explain the intricacies of the electoral college or why the Fourth Amendment is important or even better what the courts have decided is the true meaning of the Second Amendment (btw there is no constitutional right to bear arms unless you are a well regulated militia). That is practically paradise ;)

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