Monday, August 13, 2007

Campaign Rumors, Complaints and Name Calling etc.

I have apparently hit a nerve with a few people. I won't name names or print the nasty emails I have received while I was away, but I want to very clear. The purpose of my blog is to write about policy, campaigns, help Democrats win and sometimes be critical when I think we are on the wrong path.

If someone sends me information and I do not feel that they have sufficient documentation to back it up, I may still create a blog entry, but I will specify that it is a rumor and let people figure it out for themselves. Obviously, I use my judgement on these things. If something appears to be made up, I won't write about it, but if something seems plausible, I will print it with caveats. That is the way I choose to run things...

Furthermore, I have always mentioned that I would be willing to print responses from campaigns or anyone I criticize. I enjoy a good debate, but send me a good point and lets all have a discussion. PS -- Calling me an asshole is not really a debate as much as it is name calling.

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