Monday, August 27, 2007

Felons Should Get Their Rights Back

Here is an article from the East Valley Tribune about felon voting rights in Arizona. I know I am somewhat of a contrarian, but why can't felons vote? I have wondered why anyone other than the mentally ill would lose their voting rights ever. I know criminals are bad people and all, but do we really see them voting in droves? Does their criminal background make them less qualified than the rest us? Given all of the spare time prisoners have, maybe they would be a more informed electorate;) Imagine politicians pandering to that voting block...

At any rate, if you commit a crime and you serve your debt to society, you should immediately regain your right to vote. Paying off their fines does seem a little poll taxish to me because it would primarily affect the poor. Mostly, I see this as a non-issue because I doubt many felons want to vote anyway, but what I do I know (not much according to my hate email lately).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No hate email here. I agree 100%. I actually know of two felons who have lost their right to vote. One was a stupid kid who got arrested surrounding a murder and ended up serving 9 years for murder, though he was a bystander in the crime. Now he's a responsible 31 yo man, but he's an unrepresented citizen.

Another person I know is a tax protester. Imagine going to jail for being a civilly disobedient protester and as a result, losing your right to vote. Crazy.