Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Harry Mitchell's Press People are Good

Here is another aw shucks, Mr. Smith goes to Washington article about Harry Mitchell in the Arizona Republic. I have worked on about 20 campaigns in my career, but I have never seen such glowing stories about a congressman. Whatever his press people are making, he should increase it... Keep up the good work (but quit voting to eviscerate the Constitution and give rich people tax cuts ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Awe Shucks" Mitchell is looking more and more like "J.D. in Tweed" as he votes to continue to fund the quagmire in Iraq and to continue warrantless wiretaps to be supervised by the posterboy for bad liars, Alberto Gonzalez.

His thin veneer is wearing out, and may well not last through the elections. He's got some explaining to do to his base...