Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thomas Watch: Seriously Andy Simmer Down

Clearly, our good friend Andy "I wish I were as cool as Joe Arpaio" Thomas is taking lessons from the Sheriff on media whoredom. Here is an article from the Arizona Republic about how good ole Andy wants to prosecute an NBA referee. It is not like the ref got away with something, he already facing charges in Federal Court and his career is over.
In federal court in New York, Donaghy pleaded guilty to felony counts of conspiracy to engage in wire fraud and transmitting wagering information through interstate commerce. He was released on $250,000 bond. He faces up to 25 years in prison.

Why do we need to waste valuable resources on this? It is like the big obsession with steroids in baseball, who cares... Let me make a suggestion, take the limited resources of the County Attorney's Office and use them to go after real criminals. You know murderers, rapists, gang members, burglars and car thieves. Maybe you bring a few more prosecutions of the people that are constantly tagging my neighborhood. Just a thought...

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