Friday, August 03, 2007

The Unsexy Part of Govenment

No one like to debate infrastructure policy or proper management at organizations like FEMA, at least not until there are problems. The Arizona Republic has this article about the Governor ordering a review of bridges in Arizona. This is the part of government that few politicians or activists get excited about, but it is one of the most important functions of government. When government is starved, things deteriorate and eventually have to be fixed. Waiting until things become critical is not good policy. Good government, in my opinion, is more about good management than nearly anything else. It is one of the things I like best about Governor Napolitano. I might disagree with her on policy occasionally, but at her core she understands what government must do right.

I applaud her for taking this opportunity to (I assume) try to extract more funds for maintaining our infrastructure from our goofy right-wing legislature. Note to legislature, I know it is more fun to argue about immigration or soldiers names being printed on t-shirts, but this is your real job.

There was also this article... This was also interesting...


Michael Bryan said...

I'm not seeing a link to your RSS feed here. You need to make it available or more obvious. I never read blogs through anything other than Google Reader now. No feed, no read!

A DemLament said...