Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Jan Brewer as Governor? Scary

You all know Jan Brewer she is our 'special' Secretary of State who has been insisting that she is Governor of Arizona every time that Janet leaves the state. Does the idea of Jan Brewer as Governor (even if it is for a day) scare everyone as much as it scares me?

This is the same women who gave $14,000 and $22,000 to her political consulting firm, not to mention money to family members after the election in 2002. What is the problem with that? She received a matching fund check late in the campaign, too late to spend it. Instead of returning the money to Clean Elections, she paid her consultant and family the public money. Now why is that it was never investigated? This is not related to the first story, but i like to remind people of this whenever possible.


Brandt Lawler said...

Typical Democrat,

How about having some sources before you start ranting about things you don't know?

A DemLament said...

Check her financial disclosure forms from her last run for SOS. It is one of the last pages of her disclosure. Typical Democrat, read the filing.