Monday, January 21, 2008

The Clinton Campaign's shameful behavior (and why it is good)

If you like any other candidate besides HRC (or if you are an HRC supporter who is honest with yourself), you cannot help but be a little embarrassed and troubled by the Clintons' behavior. Bill Clinton in particular is increasingly embarrassing. His conduct is unbecoming a former president. I think the spectacle over the last few weeks shows President Clinton's problems with holding and acquiring power at any cost and with impulse control. I have grown weary of their excuses for losing (in Iowa), attempts to disenfranchise voters and efforts to constantly take on the roll of victim.

I grow weary at the thought of 4 or 8 years of impending "bimbo eruptions" and the subsequent lost opportunities that will accompany them. I would rather spend my time defending policies than a dirty old man's lack of impulse control. I find myself less able by the day to bear the thought of voting for Hillary Clinton. If McCain is the nominee, I doubt I would bother voting for president (I am not voting for McCain, lets not get crazy here). If Arizona was a true swing state, I would probably hold my nose, try to keep down my lunch and vote for her.

As you can tell, I am not happy with the Clintons these days. Here is why I think their behavior could ultimately be good. If Obama is the nominee, he will prepared for the Republicans. The Clinton tactics and Rovian tactics have converged.

For all of the fighting between the candidates and their surrogates, the simple fact is that the Clinton Campaign is running a better race on a mechanical level. They are finding their supporters and turning them out. If the Obama Campaign, cannot match this intensity, he does not deserve to win.

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