Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hypocrisy is such a lonely word

I am not sure how many of you are aware of the Clinton Campaigns criticism of Obama's alleged ties to Exelon, but it has been an attack from Hillary for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately for Hillary she employs Mark Penn union buster extraordinaire and all around anti-progressive scumbag. His firm also happens to have taken $4.3 million for doing PR work from... wait for it.... Yes, Exelon energy.

I am not trying to make this into something bigger than it is, but it is a little funny. All of the feigned outrage that Hillary has about Exelon apparently does not extend to her top strategist (or his anti-union activity). I guess things like this only matter when they are aimed at Obama. It is similar to how all of the states that Obama won don't matter for some reason or another. I am not sure why the Clinton Campaign thinks that black voters, caucus goers, and educated Democrats don't matter, but hey there are a lot of things about the Clinton Campaign I don't understand.

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