Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thomas Watch: Facts be damned, Andy knows its all the fault of the immigrants

Where is my mustache?

I ran across this article this morning about the validity of the link between immigration and crime (or lack thereof).

Andrew Thomas (the douche), never one to let facts get in the way of his political ambitions, dismisses the idea that mere facts would change his behavior. Here is a fun quote from the article:

On Friday, Thomas informed the Republic that he had discussed the question sufficiently in the past and later issued a statement. "The link between crime and illegal immigration is well known and was recognized by the 78 percent of Arizonans who voted for Proposition 100 in 2006," it read

Of course, the voters are never wrong... (unless they disagree with Andy, like with the Gay Marriage amendment that failed last election that he now chairs).

1 comment:

katie said...

The Democrats have two GREAT candidates running for this seat - Gerald Richards and Tim Nelson. Let's hope the nominee doesn't come out of the primary too damaged to win the general. We have to take this guy out!