Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is Gore the answer?

I am not sure what the question is, but the answer is no. This article from Time magazine written by Joel Klein is goofy. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for Al Gore. He has done some great things as of late, but make no mistake Obama has won the nomination. If Gore is installed, you would not see the outcry you would see if HRC is installed, but there would be a falling out none the less. I don't claim to understand the fascination of the Gore people (you know the ones who bring up Gore at every turn as though if he were the nominee he would have a lock on presidency).

I was not a big fan of Gore when he ran for president and did not think he ran a very good campaign. He is a smart and talented guy, but he is not a very good candidate in my opinion. Furthermore, I don't think Gore is interested. Not only that, but I think he is actually doing more good outside of politics.

Like it or not, Obama is the nominee. It may take a month or until June, but he will be the nominee. It is up to HRC to decide whether she wants her party to win the presidency or whether she thinks her quixotic and hopelessly improbably chances of winning are more important. She will not get the nomination either way.

Gore could help to end this standoff by negotiating a settlement that would force HRC out of race and clear the way for the race against McCain. It is time for Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and other party elders to start bringing this nomination to a close.

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