Thursday, April 03, 2008

Arizona shoots to near the top in education

Ok, not really, we are still at the bottom. I had to find someway to make this story from the Arizona Republic fresh... By my calculation, we spend 30% less than the national average. Sad.


New American Rebel said...

Gotta love how Dummycrats believe that throwing more money at a problem will fix everything: more money for education will make our students learn more. Horsepucky. Eliminating the liberal agenda in schools, stopping social promotion of students, firing bad teachers, rewarding good teachers, and making administration more efficent so more money can be spent in the classroom (like on GOOD textbooks rather than liberal ones) will result in our children learning more. Electing REAL conservative school board members over socialsts couldn't hurt either. Besides, if you want a REAL education, homeschool or go private. If you want the government to spoonfeed your kids what it wants them to think, then by all means, rely on Big Brother to edumakate yer chillunz in skrool!

A DemLament said...

Your views are interesting (and by interesting I mean stupid...)

New American Rebel said...

My gosh, you're SO convincing! I don't know why I didn't adopt your thorough, airtight logic sooner! I'm going to run right out and switch my registration to Dummycrat immediately! Thanks for showing me the light! I'm forever in your debt and I'm eternally grateful!

A DemLament said...

You are welcome!