Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why the obsession with firearms?

This goes through armor. And through the victim, through the wall, through a tree outside... (Danny Vermin:Johnny Dangerously)

There are two stories related to firearms that I noticed today in the East Valley Tribune. The first is about the Governor's veto of a stupid bill that would reduce the penalty for people carrying a concealed weapon illegally. This upset Russell Pearce, the sponsor of the bill.

Note to right-wing have some common sense... Criminals carry weapons without a permit and might be willing to pay $300 if caught. If you have no common sense then how about self-preservation? I can see the TV ad now...

This second article is about a homeowner trying to shoot a guy allegedly trying to steal his truck. I understand the frustration that guy must feel. His truck was previously broken into and he wanted to protect his property.

This is a major problem with our current guy laws. His actions were extremely dangerous and I do not mean for the (alleged) criminal. Depending on the caliber of the handgun, he could have easily missed what he was firing at and hit something or someone else. A .357 , .44, or God forbid a Desert Eagle .50 cal could go through a wall and hit someone while they slept (or through the car and through a wall and the neighbor next door).

I don't have a problem with guns just the dumb, untrained people who buy them. Gun training and testing should be mandatory to own a gun. Just like a driver license test...

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