Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Conservatives see slant, I see balance

This article outlines Reagan's mixed legacy. I do not point this out to attack Reagan, but to highlight the point that no one is super human. Reagan had some good and bad in his presidency. I think on balance he was an average president. I think his greatest strength was helping America feel better about itself. On the downside, Iran Contra, huge deficits and massive cuts in social programs.

I am heartened to actually hear differing voices on Reagan's legacy. How do you rate Reagan or other presidents?

Bush -- very poor
Clinton -- Above average
Bush -- Average
Reagan -- Average
Carter -- Below average
Ford -- Average
Nixon -- Below average
LBJ -- Above average
Kennedy -- Above average
Eisenhower-- Above average
Truman -- Average
FDR -- Great

Just my opinion. The only other presidents that I think are great are Lincoln and Washington.

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