Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Minimum Wage Non-Sense

I have to address the non-sense in the Republic opinion page about the Minimum Wage prop passed in AZ in 2006. This letter to the editor is a prime example of the what passes as logical thinking from the people who have sour grapes over thumpin' the minimum wage opposition received. There was also this article about the supposed awful unintended consequences.

What is most interesting to me is that the best argument of those oppose the minimum wage increase could come up with were some perceived unintended consequences. First, I think that everyone should get the minimum wage, but lets assume that this was a valid unintended consequence. I hate to burst everyone's bubbles, but a lot legislation is poorly written, considered and has considerable unintended consequences(See the Alt fuels debacle or welfare laws insisting fathers live outside the home). Even very good legislation (like the wage increase) has unintended consequences. If you weigh a small group of developmentally disabled people that are generally provided for by the government against the interests of thousands of working poor, I think the decision is a no-brainer.

If this is best you can do, it just further convinces me that the law was well thought out and the right thing to do. Having said that we should do what we can for the people adversely affected by the law...

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