Tuesday, February 27, 2007

There needs to be real debate about immigration

I guess I am the rarest breed of political animal, a moderate on immigration. I tend to lean toward the pro-immigration side because the anti-immigrant people tend to use demagoguery and false information to forward their cause. I don't believe the immigrants are the root of all evil like the Russel Pierces of the world. There is this article from the EVT today about a study that sheds some light on reality.

Immigration is a mixed bag, but I suspect it is largely more positive than negative in economic terms. Immigrants pay taxes, social security, medicare and they receive very little for their money. They also provide services at a greatly reduced rate. It has always seemed a little funny to me that the people most against immigration tend to live in recently constructed McMansions most likely built by immigrant labor.

Here is where I differ with some pro-immigration people: Americans would do the jobs that immigrants are doing, but they require a livable wage and safe working conditions. I admit to a little frustration about the language barrier that sometimes exists. I try to remain sanguine and I do wish I spoke Spanish well enough that it did not matter. I am annoyed when I see bill boards or signs in Spanish only. I don't mind bi-lingual.

What is my point here? We as a society need to decide what we want. We cannot have endless supplies of cheap labor and the benefits that result without paying for some increase in the cost health care and education. In other words if we enjoy the benefits, we have a social responsibility.

In economic terms, the people with the cheap services are really just shifting their burden to other people. It is important for everyone to remember that immigrants are people. It is too easy to demonize someone who has less power and is different. Resist the temptation. Also, they are from a different culture, deal with it. Is it sooo bad to hear different music or deal with slightly different social morays?

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