Thursday, July 12, 2007

Wade Leaving State Chair Position: Good For All the Right Reasons

I know a lot of the activist community was upset by Waid's stint as party chair, but I have to say that for the most part I wasn't one of them. This article from the Arizona Republic goes into the details of why he is leaving.

Here is how I see things, the State Party is in good shape. We picked up a handful of leg seats, reelected the Governor, AG and picked up two Congressional seats. While Wade cannot claim credit for all of that, I feel certain that without a well run party none of it would have happened (especially at the Leg.).

In the end, he leaves the party in good shape and we get a top-notch consulting firm. Tom Ziemba and David Wade are both very good political people and the state is lacking a really strong Democratic Consulting firm. So, I think this is good for everyone...

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