Thursday, July 12, 2007

Come on Guys, Really, You Didn't Read the Bill?

I wrote about this stupid bill that passed the Arizona Legislature a while back. I understand the sentiment behind not allowing soldiers names to be used without their families' permission. The simple fact is that legislators at their best are supposed to protect our freedoms even when it might be unpopular. I don't expect the soldier's family to be rational when they just lost a loved one, but legislators should take a longer view.

A bill aimed at trying to silence one guy making t-shirts should make anyone pause. Clearly no matter how the bill was put together, it was a violation of the First Amendment. The simple fact is that you all voted for it because you were afraid not to. I get that, it is political reality, but don't give me the babe in the woods act about not knowing what is in the bill. You cannot have it both ways (I am talking to you Prezelski and Sinema in particular), I would expect you to know better. BTW -- I know you guys don't read the bills, but really, admitting it in the newspaper? Really disappointing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

At least they admitted their mistake... I know, I'm being generous.

I doubt they read very much of the stuff they vote on. Who could read that much?