Friday, July 13, 2007

You reap what you sow...

Robert Robb has an interesting column in the Arizona Republic today about some particularly bad Supreme Court and Appeals Court decisions. To me, Robb seems like a fairly reasonable guy and I certainly agree with his assessment, but he is partly responsible for the very things he is criticizing. He is not a neocon whack job, but he is a good Republican who has supported the President every step of the way. Here is the difference between myself and Mr. Robb, I love my country more than my party and I would not support appointing judges willing to gut our constitutional rights. To me it would not matter how politically advantageous it would be for my side.

Fundamentally, we have to be about something as a country. I have always felt that freedom was central to that something. I am not talking about bumper sticker notions of freedom. Like we support the troops because they are fighting for freedom. No, I am talking about supporting the constitutional rights of someone you loath. I would fight just as hard to ensure that Pat Robertson's free speech rights were protected as my own.

That is the problem with support for the current administration, it transcends party. The Bush Administration is radical and has view of our country that is truly different. The have undermined many of our most valued institutions (the military, the constitution, separation of powers, accountability, separation of Church and State and on and on).

It is too bad that the Republican Party is no longer the party of Mr. Robb or Barry Goldwater for that matter... It is time for Republicans who believe in the key pieces of our Constitional Republic to say enough is enough. It is time to isolate and marginalize this President to the point where he can do no more harm.

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