Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Something We All Can Agree Upon

I don't know why my blog draws so many Libertarians? I have to admit to having a little pride in that because I think they tend to be little more free thinking and interesting than the rest of the population. At any rate, here is a good blog entry from Daniel's News and Views about why spending tax dollars on stadiums is a dumb idea. I have railed against these boondoggles for years here is just one entry. I think this is one issue all my Libertarians friends and I can agree upon. Using public money to benefit a private enterprise is generally a bad idea, especially when there is little economic benefit and the business would do fine on its own.

I have never understood how these deals become so lopsided and how the public ends up walking away with almost nothing.


Unknown said...

I'll be presumptuous enough to assume you were referring to me (at least in part) with this post.

And, I agree. There's no reason a sports arena needs to be paid for with tax dollars. I'm pretty sure that folks would find a way to watch and make money from baseball if we stopped subsidizing sports companies.

A DemLament said...

You are definitely one of the Libertarian friends of the site, but oddly enough, I think about 1/3 of my readership judging email and comments are Libertarians...

My favorite is when they pay for the stadium with tax dollars and have fewer seats in the new stadium (but more sky boxes) and then raise prices.

I think using taxes for stadium construction is a bad idea, but if you are going to do it how about some free tickets for tax payers? We should get something for our money...