Friday, August 03, 2007

Thomas Watch: Andy One Note Strikes Again

It is pretty clear to me that many Republicans are too simplistic in their policy assessments. It is the "if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" mentality. George Bush's answer to all economic problems? Tax cuts, of course. George Bush's answer to any foreign policy issue? Military action.

Our good friend Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas has a similar problem. His solution to every problem is severe and more severe punishment. This article outlines the obvious mistreatment and neglect of three children by their mother who is also a vegan vegetarian. Her children were badly under nourished and from the looks of her, she was as well. When I look at this woman I see one thing, mental illness. Should she lose her children? Yes. Should she be punished? Arguably, yes. Should she go to jail for 30 years? No. She should get some jail time perhaps, but more importantly she should get treatment.

Our friend Andy, of course was very pleased with his ability to bully someone and ruin another life. He was also clearly upset when the judge suggested that the clemency board might commute her sentence.

In the end, this is just bad policy and a bad use of resources. I don't know about you, but I am not sure reserving a jail bed for this woman for the next thirty years is really the best use of limited prison resources or a just punishment for that matter.

Hey Andy, how about putting away more of those gang members that are running amok in Phoenix? I would much rather put this woman away for a year and divert the cost of the other 29 years to helping her children recover or give the money to CPS to make sure that this is less likely to happen again. Of course, that is a rational reaction to the problem.

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