Thursday, August 02, 2007

Would You or I Get This Kind of Treatment?

The Maricopa Democratic Party sent this out today:

According to the Lake Havasu News-Herald, the lawyer who is deciding whether to charge Republican Representative Trish Groe with extreme DUI, despite her blowing a breathalyzer test score of 0.148 (twice the legal limit) still can't bring himself to do the right thing. The La Paz County Board of Supervisors hired lawyer Dennis Wilenchik (the same attorney who is defending Sheriff Joe Arpaio against Dan Saban's defamation lawsuit) who seems to be doing everything he can to drag his feet:

“We are still looking into the matter,” Wilenchik said. “I am diligently investigating into legal and factual matters that are important to all concerned and will do what we have to in order to do the right thing for the public and Ms. (Groe).”The comments made by the local readers are of a community screaming for justice. But how can there be justice when the deck is so clearly stacked in the Republican lawmaker's favor? So much for the Republican claim of respect for the law.
So even with lab reports that verify Groe's blood-alcohol level, this former Republican lobbyist continues to charge La Paz county tax payers $225/hour for his time and $175/hour for his support staff's time while he makes up his mind. He's already collect over $500,000 in fees defending Joe Arpaio, so what's a few more thousand amongst friends? So now we know there are at least two reasons for this to be drug out: soaking the taxpayers and skirting the law.
Follow the link and read the story. You'll be sickened and outraged.

I wonder if you or I would get this kind of treatment. That is potentially pretty bad...

1 comment:

Zelph said...

And you know that Dennis Wilenchik's law firm employed County Attorney Andrew Thomas while he was running for office, continuing to pay him while he did little or no actual work. Wilenchik, partisan? Naw!