Wednesday, September 12, 2007

District 7 will be interesting

The Phoenix District 7 runoff will be interesting. Here are the results:

Just a few fact: It was the lowest turnout race by % turnout. It was the lowest number of votes for a contested district. District 5 was the only race with fewer voters and it was uncontested.

Ruth Ann Marston and Art Harding received a significant number of votes. They are both out of the runoff, so where will the 27%+ of the vote go. If voters are viewing Pastor as a de facto incumbent then Nowakowski will likely benefit, but that is far from certain. Did Pastor come out on top because of a superior organization or because of name recognition? Pastor had a lot more money than Nowakowski, so his performance was pretty good, but will he have the resources needed for the runoff? I feel certain that Pastor will have the money she needs. We will see...


katie said...

You're right (in the previous post) about no one caring about the runoff. I do think all of the attacks coming out of the Nowakowski camp have hurt his chances of building relationships across the district. This does not serve the residents he purports to want to represent. I have a hard time respecting any candidate who can only run on negative attacks rather than positive ideas.

A DemLament said...

I don't see the race as all that negative. Furthermore, (and I have said this many times) I have never heard a response from the Pastor campaign about the allegations made by the Nowakowski Campaign. It is perfectly legitimate to question her record on votes she made while on a public commission. What I find most troubling is that we are left to believe what is said because we have nothing to refute the allegation.

Finally, this is politics. If Laura Pastor was behind in the race, she would have ripped Nowakowski's head off to win. I don’t see anything wrong with that especially if it is their record being criticized and not a personal attack. "Politics ain't beanbag" as they say...

Weston Krogstadt said...

"What I find most troubling is that we are left to believe what is said because we have nothing to refute the allegation." You believe every defamatory statement said about someone just because the person being smeared doesn't scream "That's not true that's not true!" You must be a very naive person. Ever heard of The Enquirer?

katie said...

Call her campaign and ask what her position is on payday lending. She does not support the industry. The solution is much more comprehensive than dictating where they can locate. And the stuff about all the Washington lobbyists buying her influence really just looks desperate.

Anonymous said...

What concerns the lack of her true commitment to the people of the district. It is common knowledge that this is a stepping stone to another office. She doesn't have the district's interest at heart. It is her own personal agenda. I know both candidates quite well and can see the difference with the integrity and the grassroots response on the Michael's website. Take note on Laura's website and her fundraisers in the community-there are no people there. Doesn't that show you something? The backing isn't from the hometownbut from somewhere else.