Wednesday, September 19, 2007

MoveOn outrage full of hypocricy

There was this little editorial blurb in the Arizona Republic today about poor David Petraeus. There are several things about this that annoy me. First, when you play politics you don't get to be immune from criticism. Petraeus' political support for the Bush policy in Iraq opens him to criticism. Bush's people put him out there because they want to score political points. I am sure General Petraeus is tough enough to survive and if he is not then he should find a different line of work.

Questioning the motives of his actions is within the bounds. The Republicans need to stop using the military to hide behind.

I don't remember any Republican outrage when Max Cleland and John Kerry's military service was very unfairly questioned. SO, please save the outrage and sermonizing for someone who cares... Does the phrase tempest in a teapot mean anything to you?

1 comment:

x4mr said...

I'm surprised you haven't gotten more responses. Yes, you are spot on.

The ad has its flaws, but it is nothing compared to the far more toxic filth spewed by the GOP towards their targets in the past.

I may have to post a story about it, but this makes the GOP look like a bunch of pathetic pussies have to taste a tiny morsel of what they've been shoveling for the last eight years.

Pathetic. Wait till we serve what's cooking for the 2008 election.