Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gun nuts

I don't get the gun nuts in the legislature nor do I get the gun lobby generally. Here is an article from the Arizona Republic about guns in restaurants. This seems to be the "gun in..." de jour at the moment. Previously, we had guns in churches, schools and airplanes.

Now before you NRA people start coming after me as some sort of Liberal who doesn't get gun culture. I own a gun. I learned to shoot when I was nine. I grew up hunting deer and in the home of a gun collecting lifetime NRA member. BTW -- He resended his membership when they started with all of the scare tactics about "jack booted thugs" and what not.

Here is the thing that was instilled in me from the very beginning. When it comes to guns, safety comes first. It is not safe to mix alcohol and guns. Most of all you don't put other people in danger because of your behavior. If in doubt, you don't need it.

My problem is this... If a police officer or someone from the military (with proper training) wanted to bring a gun into a bar or restaurant, I could probably live with that. The problem, like it or not is that a very large number of the people who own guns do not use proper safety nor have they been properly trained. They are in a word, dangerous...

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