Monday, March 03, 2008

Steve Farley: Democrat's Lament Rockstar for a day


Steve Farley, Democratic Legislator from Tucson gets our first ever Rockstar for a day award. You might be asking yourself, what did Steve do to deserve this award? He took up a cause near and dear to my heart: State Shared Revenue. If you have been reading my blog for any period of time you know SSR is one my pet issues.

This article from the Arizona Republic outlines his efforts.

It is not enough to just take up a good cause, no to be RFD you must show panache and style. Farley is not only trying to protect SSR, but he is using the right-wing's own onerous and dumb policies against them, specifically the 2/3 majority rule for raising taxes in AZ.

So, to Rep. Farley, A Democrat's Lament thanks you for coming up with a legally sound and innovative way to stick it to Russell Pearce and keep the cities from making even bigger cuts, You are a Rockstar...

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