Thursday, August 11, 2005

How do we communicate their corruption?

Jack Abramoff was indicted today. We have the Downing Street memo and the Republicans coin scandal in Ohio. Repubican corruption is rapant, but how do Democrats make voters see the graft and dishonesty? There are very good reasons for voters to tell Rs to take a walk in 2006, but will they? We went down this road in 2004, but voters decided to keep Bush in spite of his problems.

Once again, we must as a party be more than the anti-Republicans. Don't get me wrong, that does not mean we cannot make the Rs pay for their huge errors in judgement. We have a responsibility to make them pay! But being against the Rs will not be enough...

We must have a unified party message that means something. It has to be a message beyond protecting Social Security and Medicare. It needs to be specific, not just "Hey we are for healthcare." Many voters don't trust us because we don't stand up for our beliefs. If you want to know why many rural and blue collar voters don't like us, it is because we don't stand up for them either. Just look at CAFTA or the Bankrupcty Bill. All else being equal, people will vote values...

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