Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thomas Watch: It's the mismangement stupid...

Sorry for the delay in writing, but I have been too busy. There was this today in the Arizona Republic about the ongoing debacle involving Andrew "the douche" Thomas and the New Times.
Poor Andy suffers from the same inability to do the job he was elected to do as George Bush. At a minimum the government has to do a few things and prosecuting criminals is one of them. No one expects an elected official to be saintly, but we would like competence. Using a political office as a stepping stone is somewhat expected, but when you are playing with peoples lives (life and death in some instances), it is not acceptable to be overly political.

Andy, you are a political hack... I don't care who replaces you as long they are an experienced prosecutor with more allegiance to justice than to seeking higher office (see scruples in the dictionary).

UPDATE: The judge ruled that Thomas' office did not follow proper procedures when it issued the subpoenas.

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