Friday, February 15, 2008

Clinton goes negative (Don't get mad get even...)

No, I am not talking about the little love tap about the debates that she started running. This is full on attack ad. It is sad that it has come to this, but I would not expect anything less from HRC.

Having said all of that, Obama supporters suck it up... Politics ain't beanbag. If the Obama Campaign is as good as I think they are they will quickly turn this to their advantage. Don't get angry get even. You should channel you energy in making calls, donating money or becoming a volunteer.

Here is the Obama response to the first ad:

Obama's response to the latest Clinton attack ad:


Liza said...

Good response ad from Obama.

katie said...

Just so I have this straight, if it's your candidate doing the attacking, it's not negative, it's only negative when it's the other candidate? Because I would hardly call that Clinton ad an attack ad. And it's nothing compared to the stuff that came out of Nowakowski's city council campaign, which I seem to recall you didn't have a problem with.

A DemLament said...

I don't have a problem with Clinton going negative. I think it is good practice for the general. As I have said many times, if you cannot take a punch get out of politics. That is true for Obama, Clinton and Pastor.

As a side note, I think there are some interesting similarities between the Clinton Campaign and Pastor’s Campaign. Neither campaign was particularly well run. Both campaigns had the bulk of the endorsements and a sense of entitlement. Both campaigns were full of excuses as to why their challenger was beating them. At the end of the day, the reality is that Nowakowski and Obama are running better campaigns and are better candidates.

Pastor was beaten fairly and it appears the same is about to happen to HRC.