Saturday, February 09, 2008

Why Republicans hate McCain (think Lieberman)

I had a really interesting conversation with a Republican friend of mine about John McCain. He was positively dismayed that McCain was headed toward the nomination. I am not a fan of McCain for a variety of reasons, primarily because he is just a plain old conservative. There is very little about him that is maverick, unless you count the high level of regular press access on his bus.

What was his answer: Why do you hate Lieberman? His answer put it all into perspective for me. Republicans see McCain as a guy that gives us cover. He may not break with his party very often, but when he does, it gets in their craw as much for what he does as well as the self-righteous way he does it. I would guess Lieberman votes with the Dems as often as the McCain does with Republicans.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, the next time one of your Republican friends is railing against their nominee, have sympathy. Just imagine if Joementum himself was our nominee. Instead, we get to choose between two candidates who represent us pretty well (even if Obama is better).

Update: Lieberman is way more annoying than McCain

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